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A Training Tool for Rowers, by Rowers
Primarily intended for the Tufts Varsity Crew Team, allowing access to various erg workouts, training calculators and a calendar training plan. Inspired by the resources of, but mobile friendly and easier to use. This site is an ongoing project.
A NodeJS app with a simple UI that allows the user to post in a GroupMe as a bot if the botID is known. Users may also post on a timed delay.
XML to JSON parsing server written in NodeJS
while working at Acquire Media, there was a point where we transitioned from XML server calls to JSON. I wrote this NodeJS server to to act as a proxy converting those server calls so the front-end engineers (myself included) could continue working using only JSON calls. This code is similar in structure to the server I wrote for Acquire Media. It uses NodeJS, Express, Requestify, xml2json and some custom Node packages I wrote myself.
Executes in O(n) and uses Angular JS
A new twist on a classic
A new twist on the classic game of tic tac toe, intended for 2 players, requiring a much greater level of strategy than the original game. Created using javascript and the HTML5 canvas. See the link below for the full game rules. This is an ongoing project.
A simple Rails app
A simple Ruby on Rails project for pushing and viewing messages. To post use the following command in your terminal:
curl --data 'message[username]=Employer&message[content]=You Are Hired&message[app_id]=1'
A simple iOS app version of this has been made. The repo got eaten by github but I have a local copy that I may be able to salvage from a compromised machine
This feature not yet available.
A working version of the classic Frogger game created using javascript as part of a Web Programming assignment, and a version (still under development) using pokemon sprites.
Various projects available in this repo
For Academic Integrity Reasons, I am unable to publish any Comp 40 projects, but I am happy to show them to potential employers.
Using the C Programming Language, we wrote a number of programs including:
We defused a "Binary Bomb" using a debugger when given only the Assembly language version of a program
Using Assembly Language we programmed a basic RPN calculator capable of addition, subtraction and division.
View Some Tufts Curricula
During the course of my programming languages class (comp105), using ML, I implemented a type-checker for a subset of the Scheme programming language.
For Academic Integrity Reasons, I am unable to publish the solutions of these projects, but I am happy to show them to potential employers.