
A Training Tool for Rowers, by Rowers

(Formerly Fleetofthemalden.com)

Primarily intended for the Tufts Varsity Crew Team, allowing access to various erg workouts, training calculators and a calendar training plan. Inspired by the resources of tuftsoarsmen.org, but mobile friendly and easier to use. This site is an ongoing project.



A NodeJS app with a simple UI that allows the user to post in a GroupMe as a bot if the botID is known. Users may also post on a timed delay.


Node Server

XML to JSON parsing server written in NodeJS

while working at Acquire Media, there was a point where we transitioned from XML server calls to JSON. I wrote this NodeJS server to to act as a proxy converting those server calls so the front-end engineers (myself included) could continue working using only JSON calls. This code is similar in structure to the server I wrote for Acquire Media. It uses NodeJS, Express, Requestify, xml2json and some custom Node packages I wrote myself.


Lexicographic Ranking of a Word

Executes in O(n) and uses Angular JS

Tic Tac Toe2

A new twist on a classic

A new twist on the classic game of tic tac toe, intended for 2 players, requiring a much greater level of strategy than the original game. Created using javascript and the HTML5 canvas. See the link below for the full game rules. This is an ongoing project.



A simple Rails app

A simple Ruby on Rails project for pushing and viewing messages. To post use the following command in your terminal:

 curl --data 'message[username]=Employer&message[content]=You Are Hired&message[app_id]=1' http://pacific-badlands-5369.herokuapp.com/messages.json 

A simple iOS app version of this has been made. The repo got eaten by github but I have a local copy that I may be able to salvage from a compromised machine



This feature not yet available.


A working version of the classic Frogger game created using javascript as part of a Web Programming assignment, and a version (still under development) using pokemon sprites.


Web Programming (Comp 20)

Various projects available in this repo

For Academic Integrity Reasons, I am unable to publish any Comp 40 projects, but I am happy to show them to potential employers.

Machine Instructions & Assembly Language (Comp 40)

Using the C Programming Language, we wrote a number of programs including:

  • An abstract data type for polymorphic 2 dimensional arrays, including a representation for 2D blocked arrays
  • A program which used these 2D arrays to remove black pixels from the edges of images
  • A suite of operations able to compress, decompress and perform basic transformations on images
  • A Universal Machine able to run basic programs using a limited instruction set
  • An Assembler capable of taking in more complex instructions and emitting instructions for the Universal Machine

We defused a "Binary Bomb" using a debugger when given only the Assembly language version of a program

Using Assembly Language we programmed a basic RPN calculator capable of addition, subtraction and division.


Comp 20, Comp 120, Comp 116

View Some Tufts Curricula

Type Checker (Comp 105)

During the course of my programming languages class (comp105), using ML, I implemented a type-checker for a subset of the Scheme programming language.

For Academic Integrity Reasons, I am unable to publish the solutions of these projects, but I am happy to show them to potential employers.
